Interdependence is the state of being dependent upon one another: mutual dependence and marvel is one that causes wonder or astonishment
— Merriam-Webster

The Marvels of American Interdependence

Interdependence is the bedrock of America. The reason we know interdependence is working is because things “just work”. Everyone has a job to do for America. Interdependence is knowing you can take many things for granted because you and others are doing their jobs.

Spend just 24 hours marveling at American interdependence.


First turn on the light switch – did the lights come on?

  • What is the energy source? How was the energy found or captured?

  • How was the energy converted to electricity? Who built the facility?

  • How did the electricity get from the facility to your light bulb?

  • Where did the light bulb come from?

Try to imagine what and how many things had to go “right” and all the people that made the things go right (both in the past and in the present) for your light to come on. If a storm or other cause disrupts our power we know that it will be repaired and the lights will go back on.


Next go to the grocery store – is there enough food available to you to meet your basic need for food?

  • Where/how were the food sources grown/raised/caught?

  • How was the food processed?

  • Is the food safe for consumption? How do you know?

  • How did the food get to the super market?

  • Who ordered the food and put it on the shelves?

Try to imagine what and how many things had to go “right” and all the people that made the things go right (both in the past and in the present) for the food to be available to you.

Now get on an airplane… You get the idea…

Why does this all work? An environment of liberty, capitalism, and human endeavors along with service and protection provided by a government based on the Constitution all working interdependently.

The things that work interdependently don’t care whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a Libertarian, etc. Is interdependency perfect? No, it is human, but it can keep getting better. 

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