Donkeys, Elephants and Eagles


America’s government is in the hands of donkeys and elephants. Every two years we welcome a drove of donkeys and a parade of elephants into a new Congress. It is well known that elephants don’t like donkeys and donkeys don’t like elephants. They don’t speak the same language. Elephants trumpet and donkeys bray.

 The cacophony of sounds of braying and trumpeting in Washington is very hard on the ears and nerves of the American people. The trumpeting language and the braying language are immediately recognizable when spoken. Elephants become tense and irritable when they hear braying points and donkeys become tense and irritable when they hear trumpeting points.

Elephants and donkeys won’t even sit together. The elephants always must be on the right and the donkeys always must be on the left. All rooms that they meet in have aisles to keep them segregated. Occasionally a donkey or an elephant will venture across the aisle. When they do cross the aisle, they make sure everyone knows by stating with great bravado “I crossed the aisle!”

While the political parties will tell you otherwise, the solution to America’s problems is not more elephants and less donkeys nor is it more donkeys and less elephants. Neither elephants or donkeys look much past their next feeding (election). The members of the droves and parades stick together to ensure their next feedings are bountiful.

America is the leader of the free world. America’s Team must set the example and demonstrate the beauty of Liberty. We cannot control the world, but we can control America. The hearts and minds of America’s team must be allowed to operate free of donkey and elephant influence and work for ALL, forever. Get all the donkeys and elephants out of government.

Can each of the 561 current members of America’s Team complete this evolution? Of course. As discussed in this website, these are some of the best and brightest human beings in America. So, the real question that must be answered is, will they? If not – vote them out.


Let’s ensure that January 2021 is the year the eagles return to American government. Each one will be carrying:

  • In its beak a banner – E Pluribus Unum, out of many ONE – Representing American Interdependence

  • In its right talon an olive branch – representing Peace and Liberty – to Serve

  • In its left talon 13 arrows – representing Safety and Justice - to Protect

Across all the states, territories and the District of Columbia, from all media, let the January 2021 headlines read – “The eagles have returned to Washington”

 American Interdependence, to Serve and Protect ALL, forever.