The United States of America – a Beacon of Light for the World to See
Who We Are
Americans believe that all human beings are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights our Founding Fathers ordained and established the Constitution of the United States of America.
The objective of the Constitution was, and is, to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to all our current citizens, citizens that will be naturalized in the future and our Posterity.
We believe that our Government must secure our unalienable rights. We believe that the just power of our Government is derived only from the consent of We the People. The Constitution has established three separate but equal branches of the government and lays out the framework for who will represent We the People and apportions certain powers and responsibilities to each branch.
We believe that those chosen by the People will represent ALL the people of the districts they represent while in office. We believe that those chosen will not allow any political party or outside interest to coerce or otherwise dictate their behavior while they are performing the duties of the office they serve. All those chosen to represent us swear to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
We believe that America will be at its best when we work together. E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One. We believe that we all have an obligation to, in our own way, make America better than it ever was with Liberty, Respect, Opportunity, Safety and Justice for ALL, forever.
America’s Team! To Serve and Protect.
America’s Team – 561 Americans, some of the best and brightest American citizens, are on the field!
· The Congress - 535 human beings chosen by the American people to serve and protect them
· The Coach of America’s Team – the President
· The Assistant Coaches – the Vice President and the President’s Cabinet
· The Referees – the Supreme Court of the United States
When one citizen wins, we all win. When one citizen loses, we all lose. The world is both a wonderful and a dangerous place. The goal of America’s Team is to make America better for ALL, forever.
Goal of America’s offense (to serve) - To utilize our human and natural resources to insure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare for ALL, forever.
Goal of America’s defense (to protect) – To utilize our human and natural resources to provide for the common defense for ALL, forever.
Goal of the Judicial Powers – To establish justice to ensure a level playing field for ALL, forever.
Game plan – The goals and priorities of each two-year session of Congress specifying, in detail, the goals and deadlines for all they will accomplish to make America better for ALL, forever. The Game Plan should be posted for ALL to see.
The offense, defense and referees following the game plan together will secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
America’s Team is on the field 24/7. Americans and the whole world are watching America’s Team. Their attitudes and aptitudes serving and protecting America/Americans will set the tone for ALL, forever.
America’s Plans
The President is required to give Congress Information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration such measures as the President shall consider necessary and expedient. This information is given annually by way of the State of the Union.
Congress should then consider the President’s recommendations and develop a game plan to accomplish the President’s recommendations as well as other items deemed important for America. This should be done within 30 days of the State of the Union.
Critical note and difference to the “sports analogy”. The Constitution gives the legislative powers and the power of the purse to Congress. Any “recommendation” from the President (the coach) can be declined or modified in Congress. One would hope that leaders in Congress and the President are in constant productive dialog in developing and maintaining America’s Plans but the final legislative powers (decisions) rest with Congress.
The plans should be forward looking and provide direction for short, medium and long-term goals. For those goals identified as critical for the upcoming year, plans and deadlines will be drawn up to accomplish those goals. The plans should be summarized and made available to the public on both the House and Senate websites.
The American public and the media can then assess the plans and see the progress toward accomplishing those plans. Americans can also recommend improvements to America by way of their representatives.
Keep in mind that once the Great American Evolution has been completed and Congress is working interdependently, America will not be faced with cataclysmic swings in direction every two years. The direction of and plans for America will evolve as necessary based on what is best for ALL, forever.