What Ails America

 Democracy in America will not die in darkness

Democracy in America will not die in darkness. Democracy in America will succumb to an unrelenting attack of partisanship, prejudice, postjudice and propaganda (the “4P virus”) compromising its immune system. The 4P virus has been weaponized and is being spread by Anti-Social Spews. In addition to causing really bad behavior in government, the 4P virus attacks the cognitive ability of America to plan its future.

Much like a sneeze, people feel the Anti-Social Spew coming on before it manifests itself. Also, much like a sneeze, people can try to suppress the Anti-Social Spew or effectively cover their mouths before the 4P virus is released out into the public. Think before you spew.

The effects of the 4P virus is not just in politics and in Washington DC. This virus has metastasized into our everyday life. While the 4P virus will always be with us, a healthy immune system and minimizing the creation of and exposure to Anti-Social Spews can prevent this virus from continuing to cause serious damage to America. America will heal.

 Begin the healing process

The 4P virus itself has a very limited lifespan. Because it is based on lies and perceptions it can only remain virulent if it is constantly being reproduced and mutated. Luckily most Americans are not Anti-Social Spewers. We must identify those that are and call them out. When a person spews something that is Anti-Social confront them and say “You are an Anti-Social Spewer, you are degrading America. Please change your behavior and work to make America better”.

Don’t support media that insist on hiring Anti-Social Spewers. Constant exposure to the 4P virus will cause brain damage – once you eliminate the exposure you will begin to heal.

The healing process will be accelerated by exposure to positive results as the Great American Evolution begins to improve America. Support programming that celebrates the successes of the Great American Evolution.

We don’t need a revolution – we need a compassionate and intelligent evolution

There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of thing that never were, and ask why not?
— Robert F. Kennedy

America will heal without a revolution. America does not need a revolution – we are smarter and better than that. Merriam-Webster defines radical as “affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough”. Radical changes can significantly improve America if properly planned and executed. Yes, these improvements for America are radical but will be accomplished with a compassionate evolution to a better America.

Let’s be compassionately and intelligently radical. Let us all endeavor to break our bad habits of the 4Ps and replace them with a healthy diet of interdependency, optimization, working for, compassion and respect.

 It’s time for the Great American Evolution

 In this Evolution America will plan its future for ALL, forever. America’s Team will work together as a highly functioning team to make America better:

INTERDEPENDENCE will replace partisanship
OPTIMIZE will replace compromise
WORKING FOR will replace working against
HONOR and RESPECT will replace bullying and disrespect

Imagine the power of America’s Team working together to make America better than it ever was with Liberty, Respect, Opportunity, Safety and Justice for ALL, forever.

We ALL know what is wrong. We ALL know how to fix it. Yes, it will be hard work, but hard work is what defines America – read on to see this vision for the future of America for ALL, forever.

 Continue to Next Chapter: Vision